Nasce a Gary nell’Indiana negli USA il 29.08.1958
E’ il 7° di 9 fratelli
A 5 anni comincia a cantare con i Jackson 5.
Nel 1971 pubblica il suo primo album solista
Nel 1982 esce Thriller, l’album più venduto al mondo fino ad ora
Ha avuto due mogli:
Debbie Rowe e Lisa Marie Presley (figlia di Elvis)
Ha 3 figli:
2 da Debbie Rowe:
Prince and Paris
1 da madre ignota tramite inseminazione artificiale, comunemente noto con il nome di Blanket.
Un probabile quarto figlio, non ufficiale:
Omer Bhetti
Il 25.06.2009 Michael viene dichiarato morto da suo fratello Jermaine.

He was born in Gary (Indiana, USA) on Ago 29th, 1958
He is the seventh of 9 brothers
He started singing at 5 with Jackson 5 family band
In 1971 he recorded his first solo album
In 1982 Thriller went out and it is the best selling album in musica history
He had married 2 women:
Debbier Rowe and Lisa Marie Presley (Elvis’ daughter)
He has 3 children:
2 from Debbie: Prince and Paris
1 from anonymous woman, Blanket
Omer Bhetti is said to be his unofficial son.
On 25th of June, 2009, Jermaine Jackson, one of his brothers, told the world Michael died.
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